“Pregnant women should not read books about pregnancy and birth. Their time is too precious.
They should, rather, watch the moon and sing to their babies in the womb” Michel Odent

About Me
I am Thando (pronounced Tando) and for as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by birth and babies. I was raised in South Africa and growing up I was surrounded by many female cousins to whom I am very close. My Gogo (Zulu word for GrandMother) would have a particular dream that told her when a new Soul would join our family. Towards the end of pregnancy the cousin would come to live at my Grandmother’s house and I took on the role of providing practical assistance while she stayed with us under the guidance of my Gogo and I would also look after the babies once this traditional and sacred “Mothering the Mother” phase had passed.
Every path that I took ever since seemed to point me towards this early calling. From working at nurseries/crèches, volunteering at an orphanage in Soweto, taking modules focusing on foetal development, how children learn and how different animals raise their young, whilst studying Education & Psychology at Bath Spa University.
I now have over 11years of birth doula experience and am one of the most sought-after doulas in London and a doula mentor for other doulas.
My journey so far has filled me with awe. I work in a heart-centred, grounded and spiritual way while gently holding and fiercely protecting the space for mother, father and baby. This work is my purpose and my passion. The times that I am most connected to my joy are:
• when I am coming back from a birth (I sometimes have to check if my feet are still on the ground, so to speak)
• when I am in the kitchen cooking up something for friends (I have an impressive spice collection)
• when driving around London playing music and singing at the top of my voice (very badly!)
• when I am on the dance floor (thankfully, my dancing is waaaaayyyy better than my singing).
The feedback that I most receive from clients is that I bring a sense of calm. And we laugh a lot!
Contact Me
Thank you for contacting Paramana Birthkeeper. You can also call 07951 511 233 if your query is urgent. I will respond to your email as soon as possible.